Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Psychology, Emirates Center for Strategic Studies & Research Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

2 Department of Psychology, Long Island University (LIU), University Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11201, (718) 488-1011


This study examines research on some species of the genus Artemisia. The use of medicinal plants is as old as the intellectual life and development of human consciousness. Because diseases are born with human origins and the documents of several thousand years in the history of medicine and pharmacy contain valuable experiences and information of herbal medicine. One of our goals in this research has been to better identify medicinal plants and their correct use and, of course, to increase the ability to identify and use native plants. , Medicinal uses have been varied and many and of course are still used. One of the most widely used artichokes in traditional medicine has been its use as an anti-parasitic drug. Artemisia is a genus of chicory (Compositae) Asteraceae and has 34 species in Iran and has the widest distribution after Astragalus. This genus has useful and valuable properties in various aspects (medicinal, forage, soil protection, botany, ecology, etc.). The species of this genus have special anatomical features that are certainly widely distributed and Adaptation of these species to difficult environments is effective.


Main Subjects

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