Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Accounting, Faculty of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkouh Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assictant Professor, Department of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkouh Branch, Tehran, Iran



The present is a comparative study investigating the effect of ownership structure (concentration and mix) on the value. It is an important issue in financial management texts and financial management discussions of companies. The present work is aimed to find the effect of ownership concentration and shareholding mix of a company in its value. The statistical population of the study includes all companies of pharmaceuticals and food industry, automobiles and auto parts, electricity, oil and gas, industry and mine except than investing and holding companies listed in Tehran stock exchange and Bombay stock exchange during 2006-2010. Based on the findings, there is a positive and significant relation between ownership concentration (natural and institutional) and the value of companies listed in Tehran stock exchange and Bombay stock exchange while there is no significant relation between ownership type (natural and institutional) and the value of companies listed in Tehran stock exchange. Further, in Bombay stock exchange, a negative and significant relation is observed between institutional ownership and the value of companies and also a positive and significant relation between natural ownership and the value of companies.


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