Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University Branch of Galikesh

2 Master of Women's Studies, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran


This paper aims to investigate the Effectiveness of mothers’ Group Counseling by means of Ellis’s rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) in Reducing test anxiety in their children (girls) at Second Grade Secondary School of district 9 of Tehran city. The statistical population entails the entire girl students at Second Grade Secondary School of district 9 of Tehran city(2012-2013) where the sample group was chosen among these students with the sample size equal to 40 students chosen by means of Multi-stage random sampling method put into The two experimental and control groups.  The tools used in this paper include Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) and Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI).  Randomized control-group pretest-posttest design has been applied in this paper. At first the individuals were selected as the sample group who had the score in the Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) with the deviation standard less than mean and then were replaced with two experimental and control groups. The experimental intervention (group counseling by means of Ellis’s rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)) on the experimental group at 12 sessions in a half hour (one session per week) were applied, and then after this finished post-test can be applied for both groups. To analyze data, in addition to descriptive statistical methods such as mean and standard deviation, the inferential statistic methods like t-test were used. The results from the data analysis showed that mothers’ Group Counseling  by means of Ellis’s rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) in Reducing test anxiety in girl children has helped more in experimental group rather than the control group. The significance level has been taken α<0.05.


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