Document Type : Original Article


Masters of Business Administration (Marketing Trends) University Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Improve more the business environment, creating a competitive environment; organizations are looking for new ways to increasing your profits. Thus knowing Methods like mouth (WOM) and electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) communication in which having a low price for the Organizations that it helps to improve performance is good. Thus, the purpose of the present research is to survey the impact of four factors between WOM and e-WOM. The information gathering tools were old studied Questionnaires. The statistical population consisted of 580 units in Isfahan city; from the 580, 210 were chosen by using stratified randomized sampling. 250 questionnaires were distributed to targeted population. Out of 250 questionnaires we received 202 completed questionnaires.  This represents a response rate is quite suitable for this type of study. The research model was evaluations by using SPSS and AMOS techniques. Also the results presented that all of the factors associated with WOM and e-WOM except one factor are supported.


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