Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physical Education, Payame Noor University, Iran

2 Department of Physical Education, Payame Noor University

3 Master of Science in physical education and sport sciences, University Esfahan, Iran

4 Department of Physical Education, Azad University, Iran


The purpose of this study is investigating the effect of six weeks exercise (12 sessions) of Tanavarz (rope dancing) national plan on dynamic balance abilities students of Piranshahr’s primary schools. Method of research is experimental – field that students of two different classes from two schools, one group as experimental (61 persons) and another as control group (64 persons) were selected randomly. for dynamic balance walking on balance wood and for agility measuring 9×4 running have been used have been used. At first, pretest variables of both groups were measured. Then, experimental group practiced 12 sessions of approval education ministry’s exercises individually and gregariously that each section was 45 minutes. Findings: In this study analysis was performed by descriptive statistic such as mean, and standard deviation and method OF T test. Also analysis was conducted using SPSS 16 and Excel 2007. Comparison between results of pretest and protest of both groups, i.e. experimental and control, showed that attendance in Tanavarz plan caused that trained group improved their dynamic balance and balance abilities in comparison to control group. This difference of confidence limit p ≥ 0.05 and p ≥ 0.01 is meaningful. Tanavarz national plan leads to improvement of sensational – motional growth, therefore this plan could be used in schools for this purpose.


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