Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, Emirates Center for Strategic Studies & Research Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates



After the introduction of the press as a mass media into the lives of people in the community, due to technical advances, the entry of other mass media became possible. Television, sometimes referred to as the most powerful "media", entered social life after World War II, around 1946. The reception of this media was extremely high; So that today in industrialized countries, as well as among the middle classes of non-industrialized countries, not only most households have a TV set, but in some cases second and third TV sets have entered the house so that each family member, without disturbing For others to be able to watch their own program. In recent decades, newer phenomena in the field of mass communication have made it possible to change the habits of watching television. The number of television stations allows viewers to choose between multiple transmitters, and the presence of video and the ability to record television programs reduces the time dependence of individuals on television and allows them to watch the program at any time. The expansion of satellites will also bring about major changes. But these new phenomena have not yet brought about fundamental changes in the habits of watching television, and it is likely that over time, the changes in this field will be clearly visible.


Main Subjects

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