Document Type : Original Article


Sama Technical and Vocational Training College, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran


In this paper a method for automatic power regulation, with the Elimination of the two-mass system provide winding of volatility has been eaten. Intensification ratio control method is effective in controlling system of two mass. Intensification ratio control method is effective in controlling system of two mass. In this method, the intensification of the frequency ratio between the motor and the shaft torque feedback automatically according to the image (s) have been estimated for reaction with the torque reactions are determined by a clear picture-maker is estimated position (PSD). Accordingly, in estimating the parameters do not need to diagnostic and information with particular accuracy of bolt corrosion in the hands of will. Move the system to be compatible with the environment by having a torque reaction force sensor, a picture can be observed. Automatic power regulation system based on PD control than conventional and controlling is intensifying. In this article, determine the method of optimum PMU pole studied and are caused by the environment, the control of producer-driven disorders by observation axis and will discussed without it. Automatic power regulation system, proposed in the present article, may be narrow and quench internal screw Torque with recipe and photos are also eaten with input of external resources to match the unknown forgive fulfillment. The results of numerical simulation and the possibility of combining the proposed method shows.


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