
1 MS student of Entrepreneurship Management, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


Entrepreneurship is a necessity to access the market, maintain competitiveness and make progress in it, exploit new opportunities, and develop products and services. The notion of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial actions as a phenomenon, nowadays, stem from the culture of an organization. Therefore the culture of entrepreneurship in an organization and the participation of staff as entrepreneurs in the organization affairs owe their revelation to the quality of training the staff receive as well as their ability and potentiality in running a competition. Since training in governmental organizations of Iran is not extensive enough to cover all areas, this study, first of all, aims at explaining intra-organizational entrepreneurship training, and then using Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, key factors in entrepreneurship training are extracted and compared in three hospitals affiliated with the Medical Science University – Kerman Branch.


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