Document Type : Original Article


Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Background: One of the essential effects of expanding entrepreneurship is increasing initiative, improving technical knowledge, creating jobs, and generating income at the community level, which can lead to economic growth and transformation. And this is important for organizations concerning entrepreneurship as the economy's expansion can occupy more markets and provide suitable conditions.
Methods: Therefore, despite the efficient human resources in our country and having valuable experiences in the field of entrepreneurship in the world, it is essential to plan in the field of entrepreneurship. Also, the capacity of young people and elites in the country can be used to develop entrepreneurship as much as possible.
Results: Entrepreneurship development will also be the best way for social, economic, and industrial development and to solve the problems of unemployment and social harm. In the development of entrepreneurial culture, various influential factors need to be identified and can be expanded according to the degree of effectiveness and strengthening the grounds for creativity and initiative.


Main Subjects


Entrepreneurship development alone is not a good strategy for the economic development of organizations. However, it is less expensive than other strategies, and it is more suitable for developing various factors. One of these methods is to create small entrepreneurial or knowledge-based companies, which can be considered in organizations and universities for individuals or students.

The phenomenon of migration to other countries is one of the causes of unemployment in countries. There are many new and undiscovered opportunities which can be used promptly to create new and competitive businesses. Because the challenges of unemployment and employment are not only one of the most significant social issues in the country today, but also considering the rate of population growth in the last two decades, it can also be considered the most important social challenge in the next few decades. One of the suggested and simple methods to speed up projects is digital entrepreneurship. This methodreduces the cost of traveling to another country and many of the ancillary costs of physical work and is effective in speeding up work [1].

Entrepreneurship categories in different industries:

Service and conversion industries: They include activities related to the construction, conversion, and repair of parts and products, which is a subset of a larger complex, the commercial affairs of building services and transportation also constitute significant activities. These industries do not require much capital to build them.

Handicrafts: They are among the oldest industries in the country. Such products or low-cost and family capital can be used as auxiliary income for people. Raw materials for handicrafts are available in abundance in different regions. In addition, they do not require specialized knowledge or high-level technology.

Tourism Industry: The tourism industry in other countries is one of the growing industries in the world, and extensive investments have been made in this area. Most tourists travel to a country for two reasons: either to see the antiquities or the natural landscapes of a country. This can be effective in economic growth.

Sales of raw materials: Many organizations and companies or home workshops are faced with their production surplus, and this surplus of production, in addition to their domestic needs, can be useful to earn money.

There are products with different production themes that can be marketed with or without intermediaries (cheaper) [2].

Entrepreneurship development implies two main activities:

  • Encourage and support entrepreneurs to start new businesses
  • Encourage existing businesses to expand their activities and move towards the realization of new and efficient ideas [3].

Factors affecting the development of entrepreneurial culture

Cultivation of motivation and ideas: In educating and promoting entrepreneurship, one of the important goals is to cultivate ideas in people with entrepreneurial characteristics. Growing motivations such as a desire for wealth, perfectionism, and independence, put people on the path to entrepreneurship. Some people grow up in environments that provide opportunities to stimulate ideas and nurture entrepreneurial traits. However, most people are not in such an environment. Therefore, it is necessary to motivate and nurture ideas and entrepreneurial characteristics in these people through innovative and innovative educational and research programs. These traits include teaching creative thinking, increasing risk-taking, raising self-confidence and risk-taking, and so on [4].

Skills training: is one of the significant factors in developing entrepreneurship. And it can be divided into three categories: training before entrepreneurship and business, during and after starting a business. Before starting an institution or company or starting a business, the entrepreneur must learn how to start a business and the steps to start it, including teamwork, communication, and the like. During the start-up, he should acquire the necessary knowledge and skills about financial issues, understanding the trend and maintaining the market position, management and entrepreneurship principles, insurance, economics, labor law, and legal affairs [5].

Participation and creativity: Individuals should be able to collaborate and participate in teamwork. There is a simpler, more straightforward organizational structure in companies and small entrepreneurial organizations. Group relationships are formed based on participation and mutual understanding, and people gradually learn how to deal with each other. Learn to participate. To succeed in the principles of entrepreneurship and business, you need new programs and ideas. Innovative and entrepreneurial managers use this feature in the right way. Competition with other companies and managers, revenue growth, expansion of workspace, employment of efficient workforce, and increase of production efficiency of high-quality products all need new methods. Entrepreneurs are creative people who generate new ideas and pursue implementing ideas and programs in the form of a company. And a suitable platform for the creativity and initiative of individuals is encouraged and created. This action causes the growth and expansion of companies and provides a reasonable basis for the flourishing of human talents and capacities [6, 7].

Competition in Business

New entrepreneurial activities or starting a business can help increase productivity dramatically. These activities, like leveraging to increase competition, cause other units and businesses to increase efficiency or innovate. Increasing productivity and innovation in business organizations, such as products, services, or markets, enhances an economy's competitiveness. This route allows consumers to enjoy more with better choices and lower prices. Entrepreneurship liberates and expands the capabilities of individuals [8].

Factors Facilitating Expansion of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial management, characteristics of managers and individuals of organizations, budget for starting new businesses, use of ideas of individuals and employees, appreciation of individuals, decision-making power, diversity in supporting ideas, and financial plans [9)

Digital Entrepreneurship and Social Networks

In other countries, there are many organizations and centers for training and educating people to innovate, manage, and develop business processes in digital centers a platform for digital organizations' achievement and success.

Digital entrepreneurship has developed similar to the businesses of people like Bill Gates, the creator and CEO of Microsoft, and companies like Google. Competitive advantages and excellent production potential in information technology are the key elements of business prosperity in this field. However, digital entrepreneurship in our country is being studied and basic training in the higher education organizations and centers of the country, and we hope this culture will expand and progress daily [10].

Benefits of Online Entrepreneurship

With the use of new digital technology, digital entrepreneurship creates new initiatives and transforms existing businesses into modern businesses. Figure 1  online entrepreneurship's benefits [11].

Figure 1. Benefits of online entrepreneurship

Similarities and differences between social and economic entrepreneurship:

What are the similar characteristics of small social entrepreneurial centers and economic entrepreneurial centers?

  1. Regional efforts to create innovative products and locally created services.
  2. Gain experience from different test methods and use a variety of applied approaches.
  3. Leaders with high commitments to do their job
  4. Search the supply and demand market before starting work

The main distinction between social and economic entrepreneurship in social entrepreneurial organizations depends on environmental change, and the mere production of a product or service for their financial gain is unacceptable. And it is a secondary approach for entrepreneurial economic managers who have contributed to social change [2, 12].

Motivational Factors and Success of Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs' motivational factors are categorized in Table 1. An environment that promotes entrepreneurship and enhances entrepreneurs' individual skills and product support, many of which associations and industrial parks can work with entrepreneurs by providing easy and affordable capital [13, 14].


Table 1. Success factors of an entrepreneur


Careful planning and time management


Provide the required capital


Networking in business


Reduce costs by increasing productivity


Supply and provision of required services and equipment


Detailed analysis of competitors and markets


Flexibility and team communication


Strategic management and planning




Entrepreneurship is a significant topic that can be developed and invested in all fields, and many researchers in any field and professionals can find a connection with this field. Due to the increasing growth of entrepreneurship products and services in each sector and different areas, both organizationally and regionally, we can see the growth of entrepreneurship every year. Countries' economic, social and financial problems can be solved by expanding entrepreneurship. And leaders and organizations must use individuals and their abilities in each area by identifying appropriate individuals, opportunities, and situations, regardless of gender or age constraints, providing the ground for expansion and progress.

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Citation M. Haddadi*, Facilitate the development of entrepreneurial skills digitally for economic development. Int. J. Adv. Stu. Hum. Soc. Sci. 2022, 11 (3) 206-210.


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