Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith Department, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Islamic Education, Quran and Texts, Faculty of Education, Shahr Rey Branch, Tehran, Iran


In this scrutiny, all articles published up to the spring 2021 in Persian and Latin on the course of the commentators' exposure to the apostasy verses were reviewed. These articles by searching databases, Jurisprudence and Legal Quarterly, Comparative Interpretation Research Publications,, Jihad University Scientific Information Center Database and Civilica Publications, Private Law Research Quarterly, using keywords such as Holy Quran, Apostasy, Rulings, commentators, jurists, principles have been obtained. It has also been extracted from reputable scientific journals from the above-mentioned articles and websites. In this study, the conceptual scope of the word “apostasy” in the Holy Quran is more general than the concept of jurisprudential apostasy, and in terms of context and expressions combination with the mention of conditional restrictions on verses, it has also acquired a legal aspect. Hence, some sects commentators, citing the application of repentance arguments, believe that the apostate repentance is perfectly permissible and essential to be adopted, and that application, whether the apostate means innate wind or national or apostasy on the part of male either female or that his disbelief is intentionally accomplished by blasphemous speech or deed. Apostasy in the Holy Quran and the hadiths and manners of the holy infallibles is not just a return from religion and belief change; rather, an apostate is one who, after illustrating the truth and surrendering to religion, stubbornly tries to strike at religion and denies the truth and the divinity of God Almighty or the mission of the Holy Prophet of Islam.


Main Subjects

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